Monday 22 September 2008

Make a Fortune Selling Info Products on eBay!

What is one of the most consistent problems facing eBay sellers today?

In a phrase:
Many of them have no idea what to sell.

If you are one of these people, it's time to take advantage of the proven methods that eBayers like myself and others have been making money off of for years. This article will tell you about INFO products and why they are an easy and efficient way to make a quick profit on eBay. It's true that eBay no longer allows for info products to be delivered electronically. However, you can still make a considerable amount be selling info products on eBay if you package them on CD or DVD!

What's so Great about Selling
Info Products on eBay?

I can give you four undeniable answers to this question:

1. No Need for Inventory.
Information products are intangible and therefore do not need to be stored up in large masses. All you have to do when you make a sale is burn a copy of the eBook or instructional video that you are selling and ship it off! You can even get a third party company to take care of all the production and shipping for you if you'd like for a small fee.

2. Start-Up Costs are Negligible.
It is no exaggeration to say that you can start an info product business on eBay for as little as fifty quid or less. You will create the product yourself and so you won't need to worry about dealing with a wholesaler.

3. You Don't Need to Be a Writer.
Believe me, you DON'T need to be a professional writer to create an eBook. All you need is an idea and you can pay a freelance writer to put it into words. This will cost relatively little in comparison to usual startup costs.

4. Sell it Over and Over Again!

Once you've made your product you can keep selling it again and again. You could even continue making a profit off of a single product for years!

Getting Started.

Sounds good right? But you're probably wondering just what you need to do in order to create a successful info product. The following tips will tell you all you need to know about how to start selling info products on eBay:

Choose a Topic that People Can Relate To.
If you can give people information about something that REALLY interests them, they won't think twice about paying money for it. It just has to be practical and relevant. For example: titles such as An Idiot's Guide to Weight Loss or Turn a Hobby into Cash: Photography for Money are in the in type of format that you want to emulate.

Use Quality, Original Content
Your content must offer something unique; this is what makes it a valuable asset to the customer. If you are having trouble coming up with id
eas you should find it fairly easy to hire a freelance writer for a small fee. As long as your content addresses a common problem or issue, you are likely to succeed.

Use Video
It cannot be denied. We live in a video saturated culture. Using video as a medium to convey your message will grab people's attention more quickly.

Use a Flashy Cover Design
Don't mail a bland looking CD-R. Use a 3D cover design to make your product more professional.

Don't Overcharge
Generally speaking, between 4.95 and 14.95 GBP is a fair price for an info product. But whatever you charge, make sure that you deliver on content. The more content you deliver the more likely that the customer will feel that they are getting a good deal.

Listing Description
When you list your product, concentrate on benefits rather than features. This will produce a more immediate effect in the customer's mind.

100% Guarantee

Provide a money back guarantee and you will not be disappointed by the increase in sales. This instills confidence in the customer and makes them feel assured that you are offering them a quality product.

Now that you have been empowered by the INFO in this article, its time to get started with your INFO business. You will realize quickly how easy and profitable selling info products on eBay can be!

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